Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Imagination v/s Reality

Imaginational conversation:(I wished for this conversation) Me: Hey, I went bird watching at Bhavnagar last week. Female Friend: Birds? M: ya, birds, if you know what I mean ;) F: Oh! so how many "birds" did you watch? M: hmmm... a few good ones F: tell me more M: I had gone with my mom F: Oh! how come? shopping? M: No. she insisted on going out to show me the "birds" F: what? M: ya. cool know? F: hmmm....I dont know what to say... M: ok, I went bird watching to see real birds with feathers and not babe watching as you understood. Reality:(And this is what really happened) me: i went for bird-watching the other day in Bhavnagar :) FF: bird-watching ? me: ya. if u know what i mean... FF: no me: birds.... FF: ? me: with feathers and they fly..... with my mom saw a few peacocks and peahens FF: ok :(


  1. Love this...i love to catch the other species the same way!!! IMPOSTERS!!!

  2. Man try - a nice and different portal, first sign up and explore it...and yes check out the thots section for one line blogging!!!
