Friday, March 14, 2025

Growth, Order and Chaos

Sometime over the last few months, I heard a podcast which said the following:

If the challenge is greater than the capability, it is demotivating.

If the challenge is less than the capability, it is boring.

To be motivated, the challenge should be slightly more than the capability. This leads to figuring it out, learning and growing.

In the book, 12 rules for life, Jordan Peterson talks about order and chaos in the form of the famous yin and yang Chinese symbol.

One side is order and the other is chaos. 

Too much order and nothing grows. 

Too much chaos and it is overwhelming and no growth.

The middle curved line is the balance between order and chaos which leads to growth.

2 different ways to understand and express how to achieve growth.

We should be planning our goals, tasks, to be on this middle line in multiple aspects of life.

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