Friday, February 23, 2024

Relationship between Time and Money

The relationship between these 2 things is interesting:
The middle class and poor, value money more than time and give their time to earn money.

The business class and the rich, value time more than money and spend money to save time.

For this class, money is time. 

Money is a tool with multiple purposes - to buy something for someone and make someone happy, to attend the best schools and gain the best knowledge to use, to travel around the world for business meetings, conferences and build and keep connections and build the networks. To get the best of the services to solve the problems than spend time to figure it out.

The middle class and the poor, don't know many ways to make money apart from trading their time to earn money with the particular set of skills they have.

For this class, time is money.

As potential to earn is limited, money is scarce and cannot be thought to spend on things, services that could have been outsourced.

For the business class and the rich, know that there are multiple ways to make money, but time is limited. They have seen their money and wealth go up and down many times and understand it much deeper. They sometimes have connections (trust from customers, suppliers, associations, bank credit, mortgaging assets) they can leverage to get back from a bad position.

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