Monday, March 30, 2009
Thank you people :)
Discover something
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Another day
and so are the songs,
the vigour is a little down,
yet the drinks are flowing,
and the cigarettes are still burning,
and on goes life as one passes on,
from one day into another so seamlessly,
and surprisingly the words are flowing so freely,
despite having an all night out,
and one peg of neat rum.
Now the songs are slowing down,
the bottles are going empty,
the people have started going back,
and as a beautiful night comes to an end,
and a beautiful day starts off !!!
There is laughter in the air,
there are janitors cleaning up in the garden,
cigarette butts in the ash trays,
leftover ice cubes melting away,
my can groupmate singing a college song for me at my table,
plastic cups on the tables,
broken glass bottles on the ground,
birds chirping on the trees,
sparrows searching for food under the tables,
slow old hindi songs in the air waves,
people sitting on the arm rests,
people talking of going to the nearest MacD,
people singing along even at this hour,
while being all concious.
Now it is 40 min past six,
the girls have left,
the guys have also left,
just one another guy with me,
he has now come to my table wondering what I am still doing on my laptop,
I told him what I was upto,
and he told "wow! you write poems too?"
I replied "my first one"
He says "sexy, many people think, but no one does it".
He sits on the other side of the table,
with a cigarette in his hand that is not yet lit,
thinking and hearing to the loud song in the background,
the birds are still chirping,
but the sound is less audible now,
he lights the cigarette,
takes a puff,
blows the smoke,
and I can smell the mild smell of cigarette as the smoke hits my face,
still typing unknown to him,
that he has become my subject for writing.
I have written a para and he still hasn't taken another puff,
he is deep thought,
his head is nodding,
he is surely enjoying the song,
the sound of glass bottles breaking as the janitors clean up the tables,
a 70's hindi song plays from the big speakers,
and a sparrow catches my eye,
but disappears under a table, still looking for food,
there is no wind in the air,
the tree leaves are still,
my friend is silent,
he is checking his mobile,
another para over and just two puffs till now,
ah, there comes the third,
and the fourth and he has dipped the cigarette into the melting ice on the table,
he has left the table,
he has told me to take the speaker to the dorm lobby,
the songs silences,
he has stopped the song,
he tells me again to take care of the speaker,
he is no where in sight now,
and here I am,
the last man sitting...
and i think I too should hit the place and get out of here!!!
Such is the nice and strange company you get here at all oddhours which will be missed after the B-school experience....
Friday, March 27, 2009
"OnLive"? or rather "Live On"
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Human red arrows
Once within 3,000ft of the ground they open a parachute and float to earth.
It might look terrifying but Mark Harris, 35, from Kettering, Northamptonshire, who also films the jumps, says: 'It's actually not as dangerous as you might think. I've never had a major accident yet.'
It may look terrifying but Mark Harris, 35, from Kettering, Northamptonshire, who also films the jumps, says it is one of the most 'liberating' and 'peaceful' experiences possible.
Mark, 35, from Kettering, Northants, said: 'For years sky divers have been trying various formations during jumps so this provided a framework for the jumps.
'But we have studied Red Arrow formations and how they move through the air, which gave us a lot of inspiration.
'It's actually not as dangerous as you might think because, although you're flying through the air at more than 120mph, you're actually only falling at about 40mph.
'The suit is as close to the sensation of flying as you can get, and enables you to glide rather than just free fall.
The extreme sport of wingsuit jumping started in 2002 but has grown in popularity and evolved into formation sky-diving.
The team - called Topgun' - has members from Denmark, Sweden, Britain and Holland and jumps all over Europe in formations including up to 16 divers.
Mark, who has taken part in more than 6,000 wingsuit jumps, added: 'Wingsuit jumpers are experienced sky divers who want to try something different.
'I've never had a major accident yet - there have been a few mid-air collision but we usually just laugh it off and get back in formation.
Double decker

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Explore, dream, discover
Push the limits
Basic instincts, social life
Paradoxes side by side
Don't submit to stupid rules
Be yourself and not a fool
Don't accept average habits
Open your heart and push the limits
Open your heart [echoes] And push the limits [echoes]
Buy? Sell?
How the Stock Market Really Works

This is how Buy or Sell decisions are made. I had seen this cartoon a loong time ago in some end pages of some magazine... very nice and very true so many times.... It is all about getting outside this panic that will make you money!
India's opportunity
the cost of 22 military attack helicopters is $1billion. Or that is Rs.227 cr per helicopter at the current exchange rate of Rs50/USD. Phew! $45million per copter. Instead of spending this kind of money to buy quality arms, can't the government pull up one good great person who is given all the powers to run the company with the high reward if the target is met to start a govt. agency to do all the research and come up with something brilliant in the coming years. Also, looking at the serial "future weapons" on Discovery, I have always wondered why doesn't India just copy the ideas or make the special machines for the requirements as mentioned in the serial. India too has minefields at the border- a machine that blasts the mines and still goes ahead taking on more mines. India also wants a shore attack capability- a amphibious vehicle that can carry people and can convert itself into a tank once it reaches the shore. India too has hostage situations - a device that will penetrate the wall/steel enclosure and then blast inside or throw scrapnel inside the building killing/disabling everyone inside. These are all machines and weapons I have seen in the serial and I think if India can make these and export them, it will find a way of making money and also generate employment. After all, who is not interested in making a high end weapon intended to kill the enemies!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Wise Old Man
Monday, March 16, 2009
Divergent lives
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The mail/call/message that never came
Friday, March 13, 2009
Economics of love
Flatulence tax
Dental hygiene
When it comes to dental hygiene, these macaques could show humans a thing or two.
Astonishingly, monkeys teach their offspring how to floss - using human hair they discovered in their enclosure.
One baby seemed a particularly attentive learner and sat enthralled while its mother demonstrated the finer intricacies of cleaning its teeth.

Floss and go: A baby macaque monkey seems enthralled as its mother teaches it how to clean its teeth
Around 100 monkeys of a group of 250, who live in temple ruins at Lopburi, north of Bangkok,Thailand, have taken up flossing.
The habit was first spotted ten years ago and zoologists have slowly noticed more and more macaques, who eat crabs, learning the technique.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Life's deepest question
My first customers
Sunday, March 8, 2009
MBA - A tip of the iceberg
Ghita lyrics
The coat is inside out,
There is no sun above
Nothing is going good
Since I think of Ghita.
But Ghita's not in town I asked why he's not around
It seems to me he's gone
He's gone abroad Hard,
I think it's very hard Want,
I don't know what I want
I know that you like me too Ghita,
what is up with you?
Young, come on in or go
Young, tell me yes or no Ghita,
please dont´t anger me
Tell me how your life will be Ghita,
Tonight I'm waiting at the wicket
Me at the station I bought a ticket
Come to,
But don't come as you did before
As usually with empty hands...
Who else
Will wait and sing for you as I do
Entire evening just getting there
Ghita, Show me a girl who's found of you
That loves you more as much as I do...
Ghita, te-astept diseara la portita
Langa portita de la scoala
Vino da numa nu vini cum vii tu
De obicei cu mana goala
Cine te mai asteapta ca si mine
O seara intreaga numai pe tine.
Ghita, arata-mi tu o fata care Sa te iubeasca asa de tare!.
Cleopatra Stratan (born October 6, 2002 in Chişinău, Moldova), the daughter of Moldovan-Romanian singer, Pavel Stratan, is the youngest person ever to score commercial success as a singer, with her 2006 album La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3"). She holds the record for being the youngest artist that performed live for two hours in front of a large audience, the highest paid young artist, the youngest artist to receive an MTV award and the youngest artist to score a #1 hit in a country ("Ghiţă" in Romanian Singles Chart).
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Cases and case writers
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hung over?
Bullet proof vests made of gels?
Introducing the gel-filled army helmet that will crush bullets as they penetrate it