Saturday, January 24, 2009

Girls versus guys

At least in the Indian context, people say that most girls are more mature than the guys their age. And as I learn my lessons of life in life, I would agree. I think the main reason for this is this: In the Indian society, there are a lot of restrictions on what girls can do and can't do compared to guys. Some of them are based on ridiculous superstitions. Some based on perception of females in the society and some based on the girl's own security. All this makes the girls accept life's harsh decisions whether they like it or not. They become more tolerable to unfavourable results. But guys don't get to face so many unfavourable results. They face a few unfavourable ones and largely favourable results. This makes them want to fight always. But, given life's routes, no one can actually fight it. They can only accept the harsh realities of life or remain in denial mode for the rest of their lives. Only by accepting the life's unfairness and moving on, will a person be mature.

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